JERUSALEM (17.05.2010): Iran indgik i dag en atom-udvekslingsaftale med Tyrkiet og Brasilien, som betyder, at Iran skal deponere 1.200 kg lavt beriget uran - som i en mere beriget form kunne bruges til at producere atomvåben - i Tyrkiet, imod af få højt berigede atom-brænselsstave, som kun kan finde civil og ikke militær anvendelse, tilbage. Jeg har også skrevet min egen korte analyse af aftalen og hvordan den er blevet modtaget af det internationale samfund. Denne analyse kan du klikke dig videre til i bunden af denne side. Her får du selve aftaleteksten på engelsk, som jeg netop har modtaget den fra den iranske ambassade i København.
The terms and conditions of Iran nuclear swap deal
May 17, 2010
Article 1
The three countries reaffirmed their commitment to Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and respect for the legal rights of all member states, including the Islamic Republic of Iran, in research, progress and also the full cycle of nuclear fuel.
Article 2
The three countries firmly believe in the implementation of this agreement, in order for a new phase of cooperation and compromise to begin in a positive, constructive and non-confrontational atmosphere.
Article 3
The nuclear fuel swap deal is regarded a step towards start of cooperation in the fields of peaceful nuclear technology.
Article 4
The nuclear fuel swap is a constructive and progressive move and a milestone for cooperation between nations. Such moves should lead to positive cooperation and peaceful nuclear cooperation and any confrontation including threatening statements and behavior that could jeopardize Iranian rights should be avoided and instead nuclear cooperation embraced.
Article 5
1200 Kg of Low Enriched Uranium (LEU) will be deposited in Turkey in trust, the ownership of which will remain with Iran and Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will have the possibility of supervision over it.
Article 6
The Islamic Republic of Iran will inform the IAEA of its agreement on the contents of the above articles within seven days, and Upon the positive response of the Vienna Group (Russia, France, the United States and the IAEA) further details of the exchange will be elaborated through a written agreement and proper arrangement between Iran and the Vienna group that specifically committed themselves to delivering 120 Kgs of fuel needed for the Tehran research reactor (TRR) will be detailed.
Article 7
As soon as Vienna Group announces its agreement the Parties will hold themselves committed by implementing Article 6 of this agreement and Iran will declare its agreement with transfer of 1200 Kg of LEU and the Vienna Group will undertake to deliver 120 Kg of fuel needed for Tehran Reactor.
Article 8
Should the provisions of this Agreement is not respected and given due consideration Turkey will, upon the request of Iran, return the fuel to Iran.
Article 9
Turkey and Brazil welcome start of negotiations between Iran and the 5 + 1 on common concerns, at any location, including in Turkey and Brazil.
Article 10
Turkey and Brazil appreciate Iran’s constructive approach in pursuance of its rights and commitment to NPT, whilst Iran also expresses its gratitude for the role the two countries played in reaching this agreement.
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